Laura McDermott, Attorney at Law

Attorney Laura McDermott concentrates her law practice on Criminal Defense, Traffic Offenses, Family Law (Divorce, Child Custody, etc.), and Estate Planning. With over 18 years of legal experience in Arizona, Laura McDermott represents clients in Pinal County, Arizona. The McDermott Law Firm offers convenient payment options and flexible payment plans.
Criminal Defense:
Laura McDermott is a former felony prosecutor with the Maricopa County Attorney's Office and the Pinal County Attorney's Office. As a prosecutor, she handled cases ranging from simple traffic matters up to and including non-capital murder cases. As a criminal defense attorney, she works one-on-one with her clients at every stage of their case to develop an effective defense strategy. By utilizing her trial and negotiation skills and familiarity with the Arizona criminal justice system, her clients can rest assured that they are receiving personalized, aggressive, and strategic representation in their criminal cases. Almost all of the criminal legal services offered by the McDermott Law Firm are available on a flat fee basis.
Family Law
As part of her family law practice, Laura McDermott understands the dynamics of divorce and family law, as well as the emotional impact that these life-changing events can have on a family. She works closely with her family law clients to create a goal oriented approach and legal strategy for resolving the family’s legal issues and conflicts. Services include: divorce and post-divorce modification, legal separation, orders of protection, child custody (legal decision making) and visitation (parenting time), child support, spousal maintenance (alimony), paternity, adoption, guardianship, and grandparent rights.
Estate Planning:
The McDermott Law Firm offers affordable estate planning packages that fit the needs and budgets of many families and individuals. Standard packages include a Last Will and Testament, General Durable Financial Power of Attorney, Durable Health Care Power of Attorney, Durable Mental Health Care Power of Attorney, and an Advance Healthcare Directive (also known as a Living Will). Based on the client’s needs, the standard package can be upgraded to include a simple Trust.
State Bar of Arizona 1999
Legal Experience
McDermott Law Firm, PLLC, Chandler, Arizona and Florence, Arizona
Pinal County Attorney's Office, Deputy County Attorney, Florence, Arizona
Maricopa County Attorney's Office, Deputy County Attorney, Phoenix, Arizona
Cumberland Legal Aid - Family Law Clinic, Student Attorney, Portland, Maine
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court, Law Clerk Intern, Connecticut
University of Maine School of Law, J.D. Law 1998
University of Maine, B.A. Psychology 1994
University of Maine, A.S. Human Services 1992
Arizona Practice Areas:
* Felony cases
* Misdemeanor cases
* Traffic related cases
* DUI cases
* Pre-charging Investigations
* Petitions for Post-Conviction Relief
* Probation Violation Matters
* Misdemeanor Designation of Class 6 Felony
* Restoration of Civil Rights
* Restoration of Right to Possess Firearms
* Application to Set Aside Conviction
* Divorce
* Legal Separation
* Child Support
* Legal Decision Making (child custody)
* Parenting time (visitation)
* Spousal Maintenance (alimony)
* Post-Decree Modifications
* Orders of Protection
* Paternity
* Adoption
* Guardianship
* Grandparents Rights
* Last Will and Testament
* General Financial Power of Attorney
* Health Care Power of Attorney
* Mental Health Care Power of Attorney
* Advance Health Care Directive (Living Will)
* Simple Trusts
* Digital /Electronic Asset Protection Advice
* Community Property Asset Advice